Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Your presentation should be as long as your skirt" - Shem

Hey hey hey!!!

Sorry I've been MIA the past few weeks, but like I have said, I was really busy with DR... but now that's over, I have my final grades, and my bags are packed - it's time to come home! It's a weird feeling; I'm happy and excited to come home and see all of you guys but I'm also really sad to leave Africa. The time we've spent here feels like a blur, it's hard to believe that it's been three months. I've been thinking about my future a lot, and I think it might definitely be in my cards to come back here - we will see!

Well I don't know what else to say... we leave for Nairobi today after the semester debrief, spend the night there, and get dropped off early at the airport. My flight leaves at noon, land in London around 7:00 pm and immediately take off at 8:00. This means we land in Newark at 11:30pm and have to go threw customs then too. Then I get to spend the night in the airport and catch my flight at 8:00 back to Burly!! which means I land around 10:00. This of course is completely dependent on the weather... it was a shock to hear that winter weather could  prevent me from coming home on time - after three months of sun, I forgot about climatic diversity!

Regardless of delayed flights, I will be back home on Monday... less than two days! Hopefully I'll be able to see most of you right away; I've missed you all and have plenty story swapping to do! But if not, thank you for following my blog! I hope you've enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing!


My DR group - Environmental Policy. Our professor Tome, is on the left and our research assistant, Jackson, is on the right. This is right after the community presentation on Thursday. There were roughly 120 people present, and I'm pleased to say that I think that our DR groups made a positive impression - especially ours, but I might be a little biased!

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